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Opm3 Self Assessment Pdf To Excel

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This site and all the MS Excel training we offer has been based on our proprietary free MS Excel Skills Assessment. The Excel Skills Assessment will make sure that any Excel course you do with us is at the correct level and covers the Excel topics you need (the average score at the moment is Intermediate at 4.7).

OPM3 assessment data goes far beyond the obvious and expected. By being able to associate specific assessment data with defined subsets of participants, they could identify critical deficiencies or accomplishments and respond to these in the most appropriate manner, providing additional value to the organization.

Below a brief video clip on the Free Excel Skills Assessment, how it works and the report you will receive. Read more about it and other options further down, or click below to just try it out (NEW– online version now provides an instant report- no more waiting for the questionnaire to be scored).

If you already think you know your Excel Skill level, and prefer attending a course and live in South Africa look at the Johannesburg MS Excel 3 Day Advanced Course or the Cape Town MS Excel 3 Day Advanced training course. If you prefer online learning or live outside South Africa, look at our online MS Excel training courses.

One of the biggest problems with learning about how to use MS Excel to its fullest is that there is no clear way of:

  1. Understanding what your current skill level is in Excel (have you attended an ‘advanced’ course where you knew more than the presenter?)
  2. Understanding which aspects of Excel to cover (so you are an advanced user, but are you advanced in the areas of your new role within the business?)

MS Excel is too big to know everything. Even the experts generally have an area of expertise. It is better to know the features that will help you with your CURRENT requirements!

With this in mind we have included two simple questionnaires within the free Excel assessment that will tell you:

  • what your existing MS Excel skill level is (in more detail than just beginner, intermediate or advanced), and
  • which course is best given what YOU are currently doing in Excel.

What is your current Excel skill level (and what should you work on)

As shown in the video above, the free MS Excel Skills Assessment assesses the person’s aptitude for Excel learning and allows you to match your Excel skill level to the correct training material. If your result is Intermediate for example, you should look at the Intermediate MS Excel courses.

It measures your skill across four areas being:

  • Fundamental Knowledge- the basics such as entering a formula
  • Using Tools- using the tools available in MS Excel e.g. sort, autofilter, pivots
  • Using Functions- using MS Excel’s key formula functions e.g. vlookup, sumif etc
  • Super User Attributes- ability to solve problems in MS Excel using all the above

The report (see sample report) you will receive shows how you score against the various skill definitions and will identify where you need to put in a bit more work (e.g. you use the Excel tools really well, but your functions are weak).

It is a common practice of people to ask for comments, suggestions, as well as feedback from other people around regarding how one is acting and what is evident progress. However, before anyone can suggest to someone for an improvement, it is always a better option if the person being assessed already sees what he needs to change and retain to himself. This can be done by conducting a self-assessment with the aid of a specific self-assessment form.


What Is a Self-Assessment Form?

Self-assessment forms are documents that are used for indicating the rating that an individual gives toward his personal evaluation to himself regarding his behavior, skills, and progress. This form can be used on a regular basis depending on the goals and the objectives of the assessor or the user of the form. Common audiences who use this form are students, employees, and even business company owners.

There are numerous varieties of self-assessment forms that depend on the user and when it is used. These varieties can be categorized into three main groups namely the business and company-related assessment forms, educational institution assessment forms, and individual or personal assessment forms.

Business Company Self-Assessment Templates

These are self-assessment forms that are used in business enterprises, companies, and other profitable companies who hire individuals to be their employees. These forms are commonly used during the appraisal period of a company wherein it is significant to determine if an employee is suitable for an employment reward such as a promotion or a salary raise. Below are some of the examples of self-assessment forms in this category:

Employee Self-Assessment Form

Employee Self-Assessment Form – Employee self-assessment forms are provided to employees in order for them to weigh their progress over the time that they are employed in the company. The form contains a table that focuses on indicating a list of questions centering on the behavior and the common characteristics of a company employee. To assure that the employee will be able to explain his thoughts, suggestions, and opinions, an area for the employee’s notes is incorporated into each question or item. Other than opinions and explanations, the employee also needs to assess his job performance, self-discipline, communication skills, and compatibility in the workplace.

Employee Self-Appraisal Form

How to Create a Simple Employee Self-Assessment Form

Creating a simple employee self-assessment form is easy with the steps below:

  • First, indicate anemployee informationsection. This is where the employee will disclose his name, job title, the date when he was appointed or hired to his position, the department where he is assigned, as well as the name of his manager.
  • Then, have a table for the employee’s areas of responsibility. This includes the employee’s activities and obligations that he performs every work day. A large area can also be incorporated on the form which is to allow the employee in listing the accomplishments that he acquired in relation to his daily tasks.
  • Additionally, the performance competencies of the employee must be the main focus of the following section which will indicate the employee’s skills and behaviors. This section will be rated by the employee based on how he perceives himself as being able to take full responsibility for his work, focus on the given tasks, solve problems, and collaborate with his team.
  • Another table must then be indicated which will have the employee’s strengths and weaknesses along with his performance goals and expectations.
  • Lastly, a confidentiality agreement should be added to the form. The purpose of having the agreement is to protect the employee and to acknowledge the value of keeping things private or confidential.

Performance Evaluation Self-Assessment Form

Performance Evaluation Self-Assessment Form – Compared to the aforementioned employee assessment form, this type of document does not cater all the aspects and factors to be assessed in an employee, rather to the employee’s performance only. With the form, the employee will be able to focus on determining whether he was able to meet his personal performance goals as well as the company’s within his period of employment. The form also highlights the contributions of the employee to the company and the challenges that the employee acquired in completing the tasks or job assigned to him.

Working Self-Assessment Form

Aside from performances and progress, company members and employees must also assess their work history. This is to know the activities they had for the duration of their career. Basically, a work history self-assessment will allow the user of the form to determine the common reasons why he left his job, why he is promoted, and what jobs were connected to his skills, experiences, abilities, and interests. Additionally, the reason why the employee is keeping his current job title is also required to be stated in the form along with an indication of whether the employee has experienced danger in the workplace such as sexual and physical abuses from his superiors.

Homeworking Self-Assessment Checklist Form

Home Working Self-Assessment Checklist Form – This form is used by employees who have been approved to continue their job obligations in their own homes. Since not all employers and company agree to a work-from-home flexibility schedule, the employee must assure that he obtained the approval from his manager weeks before he will begin his work at home. The form will aid the employee in determining if his home is appropriate for him to meet his tasks and obligations. Contents of the form include fire and risk assessments, the appropriateness of the employee’s equipment, and the security of the employee in his own residential address. A table for the employee’s list of university supplied instruments and equipment is also on the form which must have the serial number of each item. Lastly, the form must be signed by the employee’s line manager and himself to complete the document and begin the process of requesting the schedules and flexibility benefits to the management.

Working Self-Assessment Checklist Form

Safety Management Self-Assessment Form

Safety Management Self-Assessment Form – Identifying opportunities to improve a company is a purpose of using this type of self-assessment form wherein the users are the company’s management members. The form must have the company’s name, industry type, insurance policy number, and the total number of employees that the company currently has. The factors that are assessed and rated in this form are the management’s commitment to fulfilling their obligations in the business and for the employees, their acknowledged accountability when issues arise, the participation that they allow for the employees, as well as the safety culture of the company. Additionally, the ability of the management to mandate hazard observation prevention programs and sufficient training sessions to their employees are also assessed along with the benefits and awards that they give out regularly for employees who portray exceptional records.

Staff Professional Development Self-Assessment Form

Project Self-Assessment Checklist

Project Self-Assessment Checklist – This form is used by individuals who aim to assure that their programmed project is appropriate for their target audience or community. The form mainly consist of columns and rows that are intended for enlisting the characteristics of the project along with its capability to meet the requirements set out by the state. Additionally, the user of the form needs to disclose the strengths of the project and comments that are significant for the project’s improvements and updates. A strength indicator key is incorporated at the bottom of the form’s last page which is essential for informing the user of what symbols or signs he must use to complete the table.

Suppliers Self-Assessment Form

Suppliers Self-Assessment Form – Not only are the members of the company the users of self-assessment forms but also the company’s suppliers or associated organizations who provide the company’s stocks and inventory products. With this, a supplier self-assessment form must be completed by the supplying company’s representative. This form contains six sections that are intended to obtain the details and evaluations of the supplier regarding their business and the services that they provide.

Pdf To Word

Completing a Supplier Self-Assessment Form

If your company is the supplier to other businesses in the industry, it is important to know the following steps whenever you are required to fill out a supplier self-assessment form:

Step 1: Begin by disclosing your company’s general information.

The data ranging from the name of your company, address, the status of ownership, and even the exact number of years operating the business should be indicated in the general business information section. Other details to be included in this section are the number of customers and personnel in the company along with the company’s future business focus or goals.

Step 2: Complete the quality and management responsibilities questionnaire.

The questions in this section center on determining the legalities such as the acquired certificate forms of the company to operate the business and the licenses that the company was able to update recently. The programs of the company including training sessions for the employees and regular audit regulations must also be assessed by the supplier.

Step 3: Answer the cost management questionnaire section.

Inventory, overtime, costs, and the appropriateness of the company’s financial rules are being assessed in this section. Miss management game free full version download. The supplier will be able to indicate if their company is readily open for suggestions regarding financial trends in the industry as well as whether they have been observing proper tracking for their annual supply production.

Step 4: Indicate the process and environmental control safety as well as the capability of the company.

This section allows the supplier to determine if the company has faced issues in their business procedures from the previous and current years or not. Additionally, the company establishment’s compliance with the rules governing maintenance in the premises is also assessed along with the company’s mandated safety programs to be followed by the employees.

Step 5: Fill out the information area.

This is the last section of the form that gathers the identification of the company’s representing personnel. The name of the company and the representative signature are required in this section with the representative’s job title and the date of when the form was completed.

Workstation Ergonomics Self-Assessment Form

Workstation Ergonomics Self-Assessment Form – A workstation’s efficiency and ability to provide comfort to the employee are the factors that are focused on this type of self-assessment form. The employee, who is the user of the form, will have to firstly enlist his main daily tasks and answer the corresponding questions relating to the range of hours that the employee spends in his area as well as during his breaks. Following the questionnaire is a sheet where the employee needs to assess the suitability of his chair. The employee needs to determine whether his chair is adjustable, has enough support to his feet and back, and the comfort that the armrest provides. Other items that are assessed and rated in this form includes the employee’s computer keyboard and mouse which should be below the elbow height of the employee and must provide enough relaxation to the employee’s hands and wrists. The employee must also complete the environmental assessment section which is significant for determining the satisfaction of the employee to the overall appearance of the workstation where he is assigned.


Office Self-Assessment Worksheet Form

Office Self-Assessment Worksheet Form – Compared to the aforementioned workstation ergonomics self-assessment form, this document has an additional section that is allotted for the employee’s assessments regarding the work practices evident in his department or office. In the event that the employee was not satisfied with the follow-up and the changes mandated in his office, he can request to obtain the assessment form from the human resource of his company in order for him to write a suggestion of how the management can address a solution for his issues and concerns. The suggestion must highlight which item is providing a continuous difficulty to the employee’s daily work along with a few explanations given by the employee.

Office Self-Assessment Form

Benefits of Using Self-Assessment Forms in the Workplace

Promoting efficient performance management is one of the known benefits that companies will obtain when using self-assessment forms in their workplace. The form will be a tool for the company to record the assessments of their employees as well as in determining what specific training sessions will be provided to address the individual concerns of the employees. Additionally, providing the form to the employees shows that the company trusts their employees to give out honest and reasonable judgments about themselves.

Why Board Members Must Undergo a Self-Assessment Procedure

Not only are the employees subjected to undergo assessments but also the board members and the business partners of a company. With the self-assessment procedure mandated in the company, the board members will be able to determine if each of them have contributed to the company’s success in operating the business. The assessment allows the members to measure their performance individually as well as acknowledge the strengths and weakness of one another.

Educational Institution Self-Assessment Templates

These are self-assessment forms that are used by teachers, the school staff, and the students in any educational institution. The purpose of having these forms is to assure that the education institution’s establishment, the staff’s provided lessons and services are meeting the school’s objectives as well as the needs of the students.

Laboratory Safety Self-Assessment Form

Laboratory Safety Self-Assessment Form – Nowadays, schools offer classes that are conducted in laboratories such as chemistry and computer labs. However, regardless if a laboratory contains chemicals or simple machinery, the school personnel must assure the safety of their students and teachers. With this, a laboratory safety self-assessment form is provided to the users or the teachers handling laboratory classes. The form will aid the school administration in collecting the opinions and the assessments of their teachers regarding the appropriateness of the lab postings, emergency contact information posters, and even the hygiene plans mandated in the room. Eight sections are indicated on the form wherein the first deals with the information dissemination of the laboratory staff for the safety precautions that the users must observe. The second section centers on assessing the suitability and qualifications of the people assigned to the laboratory of whether they were able to complete safety training programs or if they lack a specific session. The third and fourth sections focus on assessing the personal and laboratory equipment evidently used in the room while the fifth, sixth, and seventh sections deal with the safety hazards and storage of the laboratory. Lastly, the eighth section has a blank space that will cater the observations and employee suggestions about how the school can enhance the safety in the laboratory for the users such as the teachers and the students.

PhD Annual Self-Assessment Form

PhDAnnual Self-Assessment Form – An individual who is a holder of a doctor of philosophy degree is the user of this assessment form. The user must state his name and assess his academic progress within the year. Academic progress includes the user’s published articles or books, presentations, as well as the received academic honors. The user’s long-term academic goals are also required to be disclosed on this form along with the date and the user’s signature to complete the assessment.

Basic Teacher Self-Assessment Form

Sample Teacher Self-Assessment Form

Sample Teacher Self-Assessment Form – Teachers are required to undergo a self-assessment in order for them to individually acknowledge their areas that needs to be improved as well as those that should be maintained. A teacher self-assessment form will obtain the name of the teacher, the district and grade level that he is handling, and the subject that he is teaching as the first part of the document. Other sections found in a teacher self-assessment form includes a table intended to collect the list of the teacher’s weakness and strengths along with boxes that will be for the teacher’s narrative regarding his priorities and goals.

Faculty Teaching Self-Assessment Form

End of Year Teacher Self-Assessment Form

School Learning Skills Self-Assessment Form

School Coordinator Self-Assessment Form

School Student Self-Assessment Form

Student Self-Assessment Form – Student assessments are important to be conducted regularly especially since there is an increase in the bullying concerns and suicidal rates of students. With a student self-assessment form, the school administration will be able to know what action plan they must mandate to address the concerns of a student as well as aid the student in continuing his progress in school. A student information section serves as the first part of the form which will have the identification number of the student, his name, program where he is currently enrolled, and the date of when the student submitted the assessment. Student self-assessment forms can come in different formats depending on the preference of the school whether they will be incorporating questions or a rating scale.

Student Behavior Assessment Form

Student Self-Assessment Form

Free Student Self-Assessment Form

Group Work Student Self-Assessment Form

Visual Arts Self-Assessment Worksheet

Dance Education Self-Assessment Worksheet Form

Prior Learning Self-Assessment Form

Individual Self-Assessment Forms

Individual self-assessment templates are documents that are used for other intentions outside business companies and school establishments.

Learning Site Self-Assessment Form

Presentation Skills Self-Assessment

Presentation Skills Self-AssessmentForm– The focus of this form is to determine the presentation abilities and skills of an individual. The form contains statements that are targeted to be rated by the user regarding his physical presentation and organizational skills. At the end of the listed statements, an area where the meanings of the user’s total score is indicated to summarize the skills of the user.

Career Needs Supported Self-Assessment

Career Needs Supported Self-Assessment – This needs assessment form is to be used by those who are unemployed and new graduates. With a career needs self-assessment, the user will be able to know what career he prefers to be in the future as well as what jobs are associated with his chosen career. After completing the entries of the form, the user must submit it to the organization who specializes in career counseling for him to be guided throughout his path in building his dream career.

Sample Career Self-Assessment Form

Dental Hygiene Self-Assessment Form

Training Centre Self-Assessment Form

Health Care Provider Accreditation Self-Assessment Form

Health Care Provider Accreditation Self-Assessment Form – This is for health care centers who aim to acquire a certificate from licensed accrediting companies. The form contains the qualifications and the requirements that the center must have in order for them to be accredited and approved. Once the form is complete, the center can request for the services and the accreditation program appropriate for their business.

The Importance of Self-Assessment Forms

Self-assessment forms allow people to reflect on what they have achieved within a specific period prior to the assessment. The form will aid in determining what must be done to improve the user’s state. However, regardless if the user is using a business-related or a school’s self-assessment form, it is essential that the user will disclose all necessary details and evaluations to meet the objective and purpose of the assessment procedure.

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